What sets LGD Breeds apart?

Dogs have been domesticated for the past 32,000+- years. Most dog breeds present in the world currently have only been around for about 200 years. Most livestock guardian dogs on the other hand have been around for roughly 5,000 years. The oldest LGD breed still found in the world today are Bankhar dogs which are estimated to be about 15,000 years old. This classifies them as primitive breeds.

There are a few traits that set LGDs apart from other breeds even proven by science. There have been a few studies to support that brain structure differs with different breed purposes. This is why we don’t recommend using Non-LGD breeds to do the job of a LGD. Thousands of years and hard-wired brain structure have been put in place to set LGD breeds up for success. Let’s go over some of the specific traits that set LGDs apart:

LGDs need to be able to take on predators and intimidate them. Larger size helps them do so. Many LGDs are in the 70-120 pound range with some deviation. The larger size also contributes to a strong bite force which can help make confrontations with predators more successful. They have double coats and thick skin which help protect the dogs from the elements and predators. Floppy ears are another important trait, although some trimmed them it is not recommended or necessary. A link has been found between floppy ears and less neural crest cells. Less neural crest cells are linked to smaller adrenal glands and therefore a higher threshold to a fight or flight response. This is vital for livestock guardian dogs as it gives them time to think more levelly before having to resort to fight or flight where the adrenaline system takes over. Floppy ears can also help livestock feel more comfortable and relaxed around the dogs. Many LGDs are white and fluffy for similar reasons, it helps them appear more like sheep and less like predators which can contribute to more relaxed stock. Interestingly, kangals for example are often used to protect goats and have shorter, colorful coats like the goats they protect. Double dewclaws help LGDs climb, this is important as many LGD breeds are used in mountainous regions. Dewclaws can also help with running and turning by increasing traction. These physical traits are all important for a LGD to weather the elements and stay outside with the livestock year round. Great Pyrenees are very nurturing and attentive. LGDs should accept the stock and the stock accepts them. LGDs should be attentive to the needs of the livestock. They pay attention to their body language and act accordingly. Even most LGD puppies will notice if livestock seem nervous or defensive and will give them space. They are very maternally, even male LGDs, towards livestock and their families. LGDs can often be observed staying with newborn goats in poor weather or while their dams want a break and go off to graze. LGDs will often follow young children in their farmer’s family to keep an eye on them and make sure they stay safe. They are even known to alert farmers if something is wrong or if new stock are born. They will purposefully stay with livestock that is in danger or dead until their farmer comes over to assist. Another major trait for LGDs is trustworthiness with the livestock. Almost all LGDs will have behavioral issues with livestock at one point or another during their development and need close supervision. However, the ease of working through those behaviors and being able to trust them with maturity are important for the success of the dogs protecting livestock in the long-run. Studies have shown that trustworthiness drops when dogs change owners but can still learn to be trustworthy with their new stock with proper introductions and training. As puppies, predatory behaviors are typically present as play. Livestock guardian dogs are very protective which they have to in order to do protect livestock but too often the reason people may choose to use another breed to protect their livestock and view it as “good enough” because it chases off or barks at predators and strangers. One thing to keep in mind with protectiveness is that all dogs of any breed won’t like strange creatures on their territory. LGDs will choose to deflect predators by scent-marking, barking, and consuming livestock afterbirth or even corpses. Engaging with predators is risky and they know it. LGDs are often viewed as stubborn and unintelligent because they are not breeds created for a purpose that requires cooperation with their human counterparts in an obvious way. They must succeed at their jobs with a sense of independence. There are a few groups of breeds that need to be independent including hounds, earth dogs, livestock guardian dogs and sled dogs. There is a significant difference in how much these dogs look to people to complete tasks and solve problems when compared to other breeds. Independent breeds will check in with nearby humans for 1-2 seconds on average unlike other breeds that will look to people for 10-15 seconds. This lack of looking to people to solve their problems is a sign of critical thinking similar to wolves and dingoes. The anatomy of their brains supports critical thinking, problem solving, and independence which you can’t replicate with another breed. Even other independent breeds would not be appropriate for the jobs due to a lack of other important traits found in LGDs. Independence is vital as they must do their jobs in many areas without the presence of people for long periods of time. The previously mentioned smaller adrenal glands is a key part of this critical thinking - the longer a dog has before its adrenaline starts coursing, the more likely they can clearly think to make decisions. Livestock guardian dogs can be fascinating to watch as they work through potential actions. These decisions and problem solving skills are vital to protecting livestock in a way that puts both the livestock and LGD at as little risk as possible. All of the mental traits mentioned above have been shown to be positively affected by the amount of care and attention the dog receives from the farmer during their development. The environment must be right for the traits to be fully expressed but if the brain is not structured for this right mix of traits with the dog’s breed having a different purpose. On that same notion, these traits have been worked on for thousands of years, you can’t erase them by loving on a puppy and letting them inside.

One of the hardest animal for livestock guardians to learn to protect and typically require more training is with birds. They are “livestock” guardians not bird guardians. Along the way you may lose a bird….or two but they grow out of it and start protecting them and even start guarding along geese like ours.

At GSGPRS we expose our dogs to livestock and birds. We train them and if they are no good guardians they get adopted as pets.

Thor surprising a coyote

They work best in pairs. The number of dogs is based on predator load not acreage.